Intro Cheese and Mead WITC Andy’s WiTC battle report Dan’s WiTC battle report Necromunda grenade issues The level of painting Golden Steamin Dans Game idea Zappity Grumbles (Movie talk) Recommendations Hosts: Andy W, Nathan H, Dan W Like us on Facebook! Follow us on Twitter! Follow @CrippledSystem
Crippled System
Episode 245: WiTC Round Up
Intro teen titans crap WiTC round up Zappity Grumble Recommendations Hosts: Andy W, Nathan H, Dan W Like us on Facebook! Follow us on Twitter! Follow @CrippledSystem
Episode 244: Surprise Birthday for Quato
Intro WiTC – Drunk Andy potential Shenanigans Warmachine Weekend 2018 Painting Lounge WoW Changing RET CID LotR – Hobbit RoboCop DND stuff DC Movies/Shows Star Trek Zappity Grumble Recommendations Hosts: Andy W, Nathan H, Dan W Like us on Facebook! Follow us on Twitter! Follow @CrippledSystem
Episode 243: Why does that Pyg promote?
Intro Cost of Gen Con WiTC (Last Moinute Sign-up) Millennials Battle Royale Block Chain – Super hero theme Switching things up, new games? video games Marvel Movies Beowulf Watchmen HBO Warmachine/Hordes Talk Zappity Grumble Recommendations Hosts: Andy W, Nathan H, David B, Dan W Like us on Facebook! Follow us on Twitter! Follow @CrippledSystem
Episode 242 – Bearded System
Intro announcements Robot Sex Trade forum issues Ret CID talk WiTC Movies Cthulu Wars Banning the troll Dresden Card Game Zappity Grumble Recommendations Hosts: Andy W, Nathan H, David B Like us on Facebook! Follow us on Twitter! Follow @CrippledSystem
Episode 241 – Jurassic N Load
Intro Diablo 3 Chips and Minicrate Lock N Load! Immortals CID stuff Samba Jurassic World 2 – Nathan loves it Zappity Grumble Recommendations Hosts: Andy W, Nathan H, Dan W Like us on Facebook! Follow us on Twitter! Follow @CrippledSystem
Episode 240: Gummi Saver Goop
Diablo Rip off musings Technical issues Introductions Gwent small chat Gummy Life savers Davids painting venture Andy almost cancels the podcast Davids blue phase continues Announcements lawn issues Sad Hill Cemetary Shadows of Brimstone Missing Mike Myers Worst show ever – Funny you should ask missing Harlan Williams Zappity Grumble Recommendations Hosts: Andy W, Nathan […]
Episode 239: But that is my package.
Hosts: Andy W, Nathan H, David Like us on Facebook! Follow us on Twitter! Follow @CrippledSystem
Episode 238: Caster Draft Talk
Solo Talk – No Spoilers Mitch Hedberg Andy Kaufman 13:00 Introductions Caster Draft in Madison 29:30 WiTC and blind russians 36:00 faction talks update movie chatting (Pride Discussion) Zappity Grumble Recommendations Hosts: Andy W, Nathan H, David Like us on Facebook! Follow us on Twitter! Follow @CrippledSystem
Episode 178: Gotham…. really… Gotham?!
Intros Dr. Google! Announcements Skornisode Delay ATC Kickstarter stuff coming soon Brian’s Car Adventure Video Games Moar CW Super Hero Shows some Gotham hate Zappity Grumble Recommendations Hosts: Andy W, Nathan H, Brian G Like us on Facebook! Follow us on Twitter! Follow @CrippledSystem